The Maghreb Review, founded in 1976 is a quarterly independent
journal and is the oldest, longest-running English- and French-language
journal dedicated to the study of North Africa and Islamic culture and
For nearly half a century, the review has published
articles by distinguished scholars from the US and the UK, from the
Maghreb and from many European and Middle Eastern countries in fields
ranging from archaeology and anthropology, to politics and economics,
to history, literature, art, women’s studies and religion. The editorial
board of The Maghreb Review is drawn from academic institutions
in no less than ten different countries.
Since its foundation in 1976, The Maghreb Review
has devoted itself entirely to the study of the Maghreb countries (Algeria,
Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia) and Islamic culture and religion.
But this focus on the territorial state might be seen as an aberration
from longer-term patterns in the Maghreb. One might also argue that
the Maghreb can play a unique and dynamic role in a global age. Perhaps
the remarkable characteristic of the region is that, while it sustains
intense local traditions, it has long been a crossroads with links to
sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Further, it is misleading
to call the states of the Maghreb national since they all share a common
Berber, Arab and Islamic heritage.
As we enter the twenty-first century, therefore, we
would like to encourage more attention to the Maghreb’s crossroads character
- to its interaction through migration, trade, travel and cultural-education
links with other regions. We would also like to promote theoretically
informed comparison with neighbouring regions, including sub-Saharan
Africa, the Iberian peninsula, southern France, Italy and the former
Ottoman lands, the Middle East and with more distant areas that share
related historical experience, such as Central Asia, Southern Africa
or South and Central America. The Maghreb Review is politically
The journal invites original, well-authenticated articles
on any topic related to the areas described above from the earliest
times to the present day (history, ethnography, economics, politics,
Islamic culture, philosophy and science in the Islamic world, linguistics,
literature, agriculture, sociology, anthropology, ethnomusicology, and
relevant medical issues in our fields from the earliest times to the present day).
Abstracting and indexing
Articles appearing in The Maghreb Review are abstracted and indexed in
the following publications:
- The Library of The African Studies Centre, Leiden, (African Studies Abstracts Online)
Abstracting and indexing since 1980.
- Index Islamicus, edited by C.H. Bleaney and P. Gracia Suárez, Brill Publishers, Leiden
Abstracting and indexing since 1977.
- International African Bibliography. Current books, articles and papers
in African studies edited by David Hall, Walter de Gruyter, Germany
Abstracting and indexing since 1978.
- Brief Bibliographical Guides in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology,
edited By Professor Thérèse-Anne Druart, The Catholic University of America.
- Current Contents of periodicals on the Middle East,
The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
A quick-alert publication, reporting in brief form the appearance of articles on the Middle East in specialised
and general journals. It appears six times a year and is distributed to all recipients of the
Middle East Review of International Affairs News and Journal since 1992.
- Google Scholar.